List of craters on Mars: A-G
There are hundreds of thousands of craters on Mars, but only some of them have names. Here is a list of named Martian craters, with names starting with the letter A – G (see also H – N and O – Z). Large Martian craters (greater than 60 km in diameter) are named after famous scientists and science fiction authors, or if less than 60 km in diameter, after towns on Earth. Craters cannot be named for living people, and small crater names are not intended to be commemorative - that is, they aren't named after a specific town on Earth - with some exceptions made for craters near landing sites.[1] Latitude and longitude are given as planetographic coordinates with west longitude.
Crater |
Coordinates |
Diameter (km) |
Approval date |
Named after |
Aban |
4.2 |
1988 |
Aban, Russia |
Achar |
5.5 |
1979 |
Achar, Uruguay |
Ada |
1.0 |
2006 |
Ada, Oklahoma, USA |
Adams |
94.9 |
1973 |
Walter Sydney Adams |
Agassiz |
117.7 |
1973 |
Louis Agassiz |
Airy |
41.0 |
1973 |
George Biddell Airy |
Airy-0 |
0.5 |
1973 |
Ajon |
8.4 |
1988 |
Ajon, Russia |
Aki |
8.1 |
1979 |
Aki, Kochi, Japan |
Aktaj |
4.9 |
1988 |
Aktaj, Russia |
Alamos |
6.3 |
2006-09-14 |
Alamos, Mexico |
Albany |
2.0 |
1979 |
Albany, NY, USA |
Albi |
8.5 |
1976 |
Albi, France |
Alexey Tolstoy |
95.0 |
1982 |
Aleksei Tolstoi |
Alga |
19.2 |
1976 |
Alga, Kazakhstan |
Alitus |
50.0 |
1979 |
Alytus, Lithuania |
Amsterdam |
1.3 |
1979 |
Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Angu |
1.8 |
1988 |
Angu, Dem. Rep. Congo |
Aniak |
51.0 |
1979 |
Aniak, AK, USA |
Annapolis |
0.4 |
1979 |
Annapolis, MD, USA |
Antoniadi |
394.0 |
1973 |
Eugène M. Antoniadi |
Apia |
10.5 |
1991 |
Apia, Samoa |
Apt |
10.0 |
1976 |
Apt, France |
Arago |
154.0 |
1973 |
François Arago |
Arandas |
25.1 |
1976 |
Arandas, Mexico |
Argas |
3.7 |
1988 |
Argas, Russia |
Arica |
15.5 |
1991 |
Arica, Colombia |
Arkhangelsky |
125.0 |
1979 |
A.D. Arkhangelsky |
Arrhenius |
129.0 |
1973 |
Svante Arrhenius |
Arta |
4.0 |
1988 |
Arta, Russia |
Asimov |
85.0 |
2009 |
Isaac Asimov |
Aspen |
20.3 |
1976 |
Aspen, Colorado, USA |
Avarua |
52.0 |
2010 |
Avarua, Cook Islands |
Aveiro |
9.5 |
1985 |
Aveiro, Portugal |
Avire |
6.54 |
2008 |
Avire, Vanuatu |
Ayacucho |
2.5 |
1991 |
Ayacucho, Bolivia |
Ayr |
13.0 |
1991 |
Ayr, Queensland, Australia |
Azul |
19.7 |
1976 |
Azul, Argentina |
Azusa |
41.1 |
1976 |
Azusa, California, USA |
Crater |
Coordinates |
Diameter (km) |
Date approved |
Named after |
Babakin |
78.0 |
1985 |
G. N. Babakin |
Bacht |
8.0 |
1976 |
Bacht, Uzbekistan |
Bacolor |
20.8 |
2006 |
Bacolor, Philippines |
Bada |
2.1 |
1988 |
Bada, Russia |
Bahn |
12.3 |
1976 |
Bahn, Liberia |
Bak |
3.2 |
1988 |
Bak, Hungary |
Bakhuysen |
161.0 |
1973 |
Hendricus van de Sande Bakhuyzen |
Balboa |
23.3 |
1976 |
Balboa, Panama |
Baldet |
180.0 |
1973 |
Fernand Baldet |
Balta |
18.2 |
1976 |
Balta, Ukraine |
Baltisk |
52.0 |
1976 |
Baltiysk, Russia |
Balvicar |
20.5 |
1988 |
Balvicar, Scotland, UK |
Bamba |
23.0 |
1976 |
Bamba, Dem. Rep. Congo |
Bamberg |
58.3 |
1976 |
Bamberg, Germany |
Banff |
5.0 |
1976 |
Banff, AB, Canada |
Banh |
15.0 |
1976 |
Ban, Burkina Faso |
Bar |
1.9 |
1976 |
Bar, Ukraine |
Barabashov |
125.6 |
1973 |
Nikolai P. Barabashov |
Barnard |
125.0 |
1973 |
Edward Emerson Barnard |
Baro |
16.7 |
1991 |
Baro, Nigeria |
Barsukov |
71.7 |
2003 |
Valeri L. Barsukov |
Basin |
15.7 |
1976 |
Basin, Wyoming, USA |
Batoka |
15.5 |
1976 |
Batoka, Zambia |
Batoş |
17.2 |
1976 |
Batoş, Romania |
Baykonyr |
4.0 |
1979 |
Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan |
Bazas |
16.7 |
1991 |
Bazas, France |
Beagle |
0.04 |
(informal) |
HMS Beagle |
Becquerel |
171.2 |
1973 |
Henri Becquerel |
Beer |
89.8 |
1973 |
Wilhelm Beer |
Beloha |
33.5 |
2006 |
Beloha, Madagascar |
Beltra |
7.4 |
1988 |
Beltra, Ireland |
Belz |
10.2 |
1976 |
Belz, Ukraine |
Bend |
3.6 |
1976 |
Bend, Oregon, USA |
Bentham |
11.5 |
1991 |
Bentham, England, UK |
Bentong |
10.2 |
1976 |
Bentong, Malaysia |
Bernard |
131.0 |
1985 |
P. Bernard |
Berseba |
37.5 |
1976 |
Berseba, Namibia |
Beruri |
46.6 |
2006-09-14 |
Beruri, Brazil |
Bhor |
6.0 |
1979 |
Bhor, India |
Bianchini |
76.0 |
1973 |
Francesco Bianchini |
Bigbee |
20.5 |
1976 |
Bigbee, MS, USA |
Bira |
2.9 |
1988 |
Bira, Russia |
Bise |
9.8 |
1976 |
Bise, Okinawa, Japan |
Bison |
16.0 |
1976 |
Bison, Kansas, USA |
Bjerknes |
94.0 |
1973 |
Vilhelm Bjerknes |
Bland |
7.1 |
1988 |
Bland, Missouri, USA |
Bled |
7.8 |
1976 |
Bled, Slovenia |
Blitta |
13.6 |
1976 |
Blitta, Togo |
Blois |
12.5 |
1976 |
Blois, France |
Bluff |
6.6 |
1976 |
Bluff, New Zealand |
Boeddicker |
109.0 |
1973 |
Otto Boeddicker |
Bogia |
38.0 |
2008 |
Bogia, Papua New Guinea |
Bogra |
21.3 |
1976 |
Bogra, Bangladesh |
Bok |
7.1 |
1976 |
Bok, Papua New Guinea |
Bole |
8.3 |
1976 |
Bole, Ghana |
Bombala |
38.1 |
1991 |
Bombala, NSW, Australia |
Bond |
110.6 |
1973 |
George Phillips Bond |
Bonestell |
42.4 |
1997 |
Chesley Bonestell |
Bonneville |
0.21 |
(informal) |
Lake Bonneville |
Boola |
17.0 |
2006 |
Boola, Guinea |
Bopolu |
19.3 |
2006-09-14 |
Bopolu, Liberia |
Bor |
4.3 |
1976 |
Bor, Russia |
Bordeaux |
1.8 |
1979 |
Bordeaux, France |
Boru |
10.9 |
1976 |
Boru, Russia |
Bouguer |
107.0 |
1973 |
Pierre Bouguer |
Boulia |
10.5 |
1991 |
Boulia, Queensland, Australia |
Bozkir |
84.0 |
1976 |
Bozkir, Turkey |
Brashear |
79.0 |
1973 |
John Brashear |
Bremerhaven |
2.5 |
1979 |
Bremerhaven, Germany |
Briault |
96.6 |
1973 |
P. Briault |
Bridgetown |
1.3 |
1979 |
Bridgetown, Barbados |
Bristol |
3.0 |
1979 |
Bristol, England, UK |
Broach |
12.0 |
1976 |
Broach, India |
Bronkhorst |
17.9 |
2006 |
Bronkhorst, Netherlands |
Brush |
6.4 |
1976 |
Brush, Colorado, USA |
Bulhar |
18.7 |
1979 |
Bulhar, Somalia |
Bunge |
73.7 |
1979 |
Alexander G. von Bunge |
Burroughs |
125.7 |
1973 |
Edgar Rice Burroughs |
Burton |
123.0 |
1973 |
Charles E. Burton |
Buta |
11.0 |
1979 |
Buta, Dem. Rep. Congo |
Butte |
13.0 |
1976 |
Butte, Montana, USA |
Byrd |
126.8 |
1976 |
Richard E. Byrd |
Byske |
13.5 |
1976 |
Byske, Sweden |
Crater |
Coordinates |
Diameter (km) |
Date approved |
Named after |
Cádiz |
1.5 |
1979 |
Cádiz, Spain |
Cairns |
8.6 |
1976 |
Cairns, Queensland, Australia |
Calahorra |
35.2 |
1997 |
Calahorra, Spain |
Calamar |
7.2 |
1988 |
Calamar, Colombia |
Calbe |
13.3 |
1976 |
Calbe, Germany |
Camargo |
4.7 |
1988 |
Camargo, Bolivia |
Camiling |
22.5 |
1976 |
Camiling, the Philippines |
Camiri |
26.4 |
1976 |
Camiri, Bolivia |
Campbell |
129.0 |
1973 |
John W. Campbell and William Wallace Campbell |
Campos |
8.1 |
1976 |
Campos, Brazil |
Can |
8.4 |
1976 |
Çan, Turkey |
Canala |
12 |
2011 |
Canala, New Caledonia |
Cañas |
42.0 |
1991 |
Cañas, Puerto Rico |
Canaveral |
3.3 |
1979 |
Cape Canaveral, FL, USA |
Canberra |
3.0 |
1979 |
Canberra, Australia |
Cangwu |
14.0 |
1991 |
Cangwu, China |
Canillo |
35.0 |
2009 |
Canillo, Andorra |
Canso |
27.4 |
1988 |
Canso, Nova Scotia, Canada |
Cantoura |
51.4 |
1988 |
Cantoura, Venezuela |
Cankuzo |
51.0 |
2010 |
Cankuzo, Burundi |
Capen |
70.0 |
2008 |
Charles Capen |
Cartago |
37.5 |
1976 |
Cartago, Costa Rica |
Cassini |
412.0 |
1973 |
Giovanni Cassini |
Castril |
2.2 |
2006 |
Castril, Spain |
Cave |
8.4 |
1976 |
Cave, New Zealand |
Caxias |
25.4 |
1991 |
Caxias, Brazil |
Cefalù |
5.3 |
2006-09-14 |
Cefalù, Italy |
Cerulli |
130.0 |
1973 |
Vincenzo Cerulli |
Chafe |
4.8 |
1988 |
Chafe, Nigeria |
Chaman |
48.1 |
2006-12-14 |
Chaman, Pakistan |
Chamberlin |
120.4 |
1973 |
Thomas Chamberlin |
Changsvông |
35.0 |
1976 |
Changsvông, Korea |
Chapais |
37.4 |
1976 |
Chapais, Quebec, Canada |
Charleston |
1.5 |
1979 |
Charleston, South Carolina, USA |
Charlier |
113.1 |
1973 |
Carl Charlier |
Charlieu |
19.1 |
1991 |
Charlieu, France |
Chatturat |
8.2 |
1991 |
Chatturat, Thailand |
Chauk |
10.0 |
1976 |
Chauk, Burma |
Cheb |
8.3 |
1976 |
Cheb, Czech Republic |
Chefu |
11.5 |
1991 |
Chefu, Mozambique |
Chekalin |
89.3 |
1976 |
Chekalin, Turkmenistan |
Chia |
96.0 |
1985 |
Chía, Spain |
Chimbote |
67.2 |
1976 |
Chimbote, Peru |
Chincoteague |
37.0 |
1979 |
Chincoteague, Virginia, USA |
Chinju |
66.6 |
1976 |
Chinju, South Korea |
Chinook |
20.0 |
1976 |
Chinook Park, Calgary, Alberta, Canada |
Chive |
9.0 |
1976 |
Chive, Bolivia |
Choctaw |
23.8 |
1976 |
Choctaw Lake, Ohio, USA |
Chom |
5.5 |
1976 |
Chom, Tibet |
Chupadero |
8.0 |
2006-09-14 |
Chupadero, New Mexico, USA |
Chur |
4.3 |
1976 |
Chur, Russia |
Circle |
11.5 |
1976 |
Circle, Montana, USA |
Clark |
98.0 |
1973 |
Alvan Clark |
Clogh |
11.1 |
1976 |
Clogh, Ireland |
Clova |
7.7 |
1988 |
Clova, QC, Canada |
Cluny |
14.8 |
1976 |
Cluny, France |
Cobalt |
11.5 |
1976 |
Cobalt, Connecticut, USA |
Coblentz |
112.0 |
1973 |
William Coblentz |
Cobres |
94.0 |
1985 |
San Antonio de los Cobres, Argentina |
Coimbra |
34.7 |
2008 |
Coimbra, Portugal |
Cólon |
2.0 |
1979 |
Colón, Panama |
Columbus |
119.0 |
1976 |
Christopher Columbus |
Comas Sola |
127.0 |
1973 |
Josep Comas Solá |
Conches |
21.2 |
1976 |
Conches, France |
Concord |
20.7 |
1976 |
Concord, Massachusetts, USA |
Cooma |
17.3 |
1991 |
Cooma, New South Wales, Australia |
Copernicus |
294.0 |
1973 |
Nicolaus Copernicus |
Corby |
6.7 |
1979 |
Corby, England, UK |
Corinto |
13.5 |
2008 |
Corinto, El Salvador |
Cost |
11.6 |
1976 |
Cost, Texas, USA |
Cray |
7.2 |
1976 |
Cray, England, UK |
Creel |
9.3 |
1976 |
Creel, Mexico |
Crewe |
3.6 |
1976 |
Crewe, England, UK |
Crivitz |
6.1 |
2003 |
Crivitz, Germany |
Crommelin |
113.9 |
1973 |
Andrew Crommelin |
Cross |
67.5 |
2009 |
Charles Arthur Cross |
Crotone |
6.4 |
2006 |
Crotone, Italy |
Cruls |
88.0 |
1973 |
Luiz Cruls |
Cruz |
5.4 |
1976 |
Puerto la Cruz, Venezuela |
Cue |
10.7 |
1991 |
Cue, Western Australia |
Culter |
4.6 |
2006 |
Culter, Scotland near Aberdeen, Scotland, also called Peterculter |
Curie |
114.1 |
1973 |
Pierre Curie |
Cypress |
14.2 |
1976 |
Cypress, Illinois, USA |
Crater |
Coordinates |
Diameter (km) |
Date approved |
Named after |
Da Vinci |
100.2 |
1973 |
Leonardo da Vinci |
Daan |
12.5 |
1991 |
Daan, China |
Daet |
10.5 |
1976 |
Daet, Philippines |
Daly |
90.5 |
1973 |
Reginald Aldworth Daly |
Dana |
91.7 |
1973 |
James Dwight Dana |
Danielson |
66.7 |
2009 |
G. Edward Danielson |
Dank |
8.7 |
1976 |
Dank, Oman |
Darvel |
22.0 |
1988 |
Darvel, Scotland, UK |
Darwin |
178.0 |
1973 |
Charles Darwin and George Howard Darwin |
Davies |
49.2 |
2006 |
Merton Davies |
Dawes |
191.0 |
1973 |
William Rutter Dawes |
de Vaucouleurs |
293.0 |
2000 |
Gerard de Vaucouleurs |
Deba |
10.3 |
1976 |
Deba, Nigeria |
Dein |
26.0 |
1976 |
Dein, Papua New Guinea |
Dejnev |
156.0 |
1985 |
Semyon Ivanovich Dezhnev |
Delta |
8.1 |
1976 |
Delta, Louisiana, USA |
Denning |
165.0 |
1973 |
William Frederick Denning |
Dersu |
6.6 |
1988 |
Dersu, Russia |
Dese |
13.7 |
1976 |
Dese, Ethiopia |
Dessau |
27.0 |
2006 |
Dessau, Germany |
Deseado |
[2] |
10.2 |
1976 |
Puerto Deseado, Argentina |
Dia-Cau |
29.7 |
1976 |
Dia-Cau, Vietnam |
Dilly |
1.3 |
2006 |
Dilly, Mali |
Dingo |
16.0 |
1976 |
Dingo, Queensland, Australia |
Dinorwic |
55.8 |
1991 |
Dinorwic, ON, Canada |
Dison |
21.0 |
1976 |
Dison, Belgium |
Dixie |
28.7 |
1988 |
Dixie, Georgia USA |
Doba |
26.3 |
2009 |
Doba, Chad |
Dogana |
41.2 |
2011 |
Dogana, San Marino |
Dokka |
52.5 |
2006 |
Dokka, Norway |
Dokuchaev |
78.0 |
1982 |
Vasily V. Dokuchaev |
Doon |
3.7 |
1988 |
Doon, ON, Canada |
Douglass |
94.0 |
1973 |
Andrew E. Douglass |
Dowa |
42.0 |
2010 |
Dowa, Malawi |
Downe |
28.0 |
2003 |
Downe, England, UK |
Dromore |
14.8 |
1976 |
Dromore, Ireland |
Du Martheray |
102.0 |
1973 |
Maurice du Martheray |
Du Toit |
83.0 |
1973 |
Alexander Du Toit |
Dubki |
9.0 |
1979 |
Dubki, Russia |
Dulovo |
18.8 |
2006-09-14 |
Dulovo, Bulgaria |
Dunhuang |
12.1 |
1991 |
Dunhuang, China |
Dush |
2.5 |
1988 |
Dush, Egypt |
Dzeng |
10.6 |
1991 |
Dzeng, Cameroon |
Crater |
Coordinates |
Diameter (km) |
Approval date |
Named after |
Eads |
2.3 |
1976 |
Eads, Colorado, USA |
Eagle |
13.0 |
1976 |
Eagle, Idaho |
0.03 |
(informal) |
Spacecraft Eagle, Apollo 11 |
Eberswalde |
65.3 |
2006 |
Eberswalde, Germany |
Echt |
1.1 |
1976 |
Echt, Scotland, UK |
Edam |
20.2 |
1976 |
Edam, Netherlands |
Eddie |
89.0 |
1973 |
Lindsay Eddie |
Eger |
13.0 |
1976 |
Eger, Hungary |
Ehden |
57.7 |
2009 |
Ehden, Lebanon |
Eil |
5.7 |
1976 |
Eil, Somalia |
Eilat |
31.7 |
2006-12-14 |
Eilat, Israel |
Ejriksson |
49.0 |
1967 |
Leif Erikson |
Elath |
13.2 |
1976 |
Eilat, Israel |
Elim |
43.0 |
2006 |
Elim, Western Cape |
Ellsley |
11.1 |
1991 |
Ellsley, England, UK |
Elorza |
47.0 |
2006 |
Elorza, Venezuela |
Ely |
10.3 |
1976 |
Ely, Nevada, USA |
Emma Dean |
0.10 |
(informal) |
John Powell's Boat, USA |
Endeavour |
22.5 |
2008 |
Endeavour, Saskatchewan |
Endurance |
0.13 |
(informal) |
HM Bark Endurance |
Escalante |
79.3 |
1973 |
F. Escalante |
Escorial |
22.7 |
1991 |
Escorial, Spain |
Esk |
3.9 |
1976 |
Esk, Queensland, Australia |
Espino |
12.0 |
1991 |
Espino, Venezuela |
Eudoxus |
98.0 |
1973 |
Eudoxus of Cnidus |
Evpatoriya |
1.0 |
1979 |
Eupatoria, Crimea, Ukraine |
Crater |
Coordinates |
Diameter (km) |
Approval date |
Named after |
Faith |
5.8 |
1976 |
Faith, South Dakota, USA |
Falun |
10.2 |
1976 |
Falun, Sweden |
Faqu |
12.4 |
1991 |
Faqu, Jordan |
Fastov |
10.3 |
1976 |
Fastov, Ukraine |
Fenagh |
6.3 |
1991 |
Fenagh, Ireland |
Fesenkov |
87.0 |
1973 |
Vasilii Fesenkov |
Firsoff |
90 |
2010 |
Axel Firsoff |
Fitzroy |
38.0 |
2010 |
Fitzroy, Falkland Islands |
Flammarion |
173.0 |
1973 |
Camille Flammarion |
Flat |
2.5 |
1976 |
Flat, Alabama, USA |
Flaugergues |
245.0 |
1973 |
Honoré Flaugergues |
Floq |
2.2 |
1988 |
Floq, Albania |
Flora |
19.0 |
1976 |
Flora, Mississippi, USA |
Focas |
76.5 |
1973 |
Jean Focas |
Fontana |
80.0 |
1973 |
Francesco Fontana |
Foros |
24.5 |
1979 |
Foros, Ukraine |
Fournier |
118.0 |
1973 |
Georges Fournier |
Fram |
0.01 |
(informal) |
Fram |
Freedom |
12.9 |
1976 |
Freedom, Oklahoma, USA |
Funchal |
1.7 |
1979 |
Funchal, Madeira Islands |
Crater |
Coordinates |
Diameter (km) |
Approval date |
Named after |
Gaan |
2.8 |
1976 |
Gaan, Somalia |
Gagra |
13.3 |
1976 |
Gagra, Georgia |
Gah |
2.7 |
1976 |
Gah, Maluku, Indonesia |
Galap |
5.9 |
2009 |
Galap, Palau |
Galdakao |
35.0 |
2003 |
Galdakao, Basque Country, Spain |
Gale |
155.3 |
1991 |
Walter Gale |
Gali |
26.4 |
1976 |
Gali, Georgia |
Galilaei |
137.3 |
1973 |
Galileo Galilei |
Galle |
230.0 |
1973 |
Johann Galle |
Galu |
12.5 |
1976 |
Galu, Dem. Rep. Congo |
Gamboa |
33.0 |
2006 |
Gamboa, Panama |
Gander |
38.0 |
1991 |
Gander, NL, Canada |
Gandu |
8.8 |
1976 |
Gandu, Brazil |
Gandzani |
54.8 |
1991 |
Gandzani, Georgia |
Gardo |
17.2 |
1976 |
Gardo, Somalia |
Gari |
9.4 |
1979 |
Gari, Sverdlovsk Oblast |
Garm |
5.0 |
1976 |
Garm, Tajikistan |
Gasa |
6.5 |
2009 |
Gasa, Bhutan |
Gastre |
7.0 |
1976 |
Gastre, Argentina |
Gatico |
18.0 |
1976 |
Gatico, Chile |
Gilbert |
126.4 |
1973 |
Grove Gilbert |
Gill |
83.0 |
1973 |
David Gill |
Glazov |
24.7 |
1976 |
Glazov, Russia |
Gledhill |
82.5 |
1973 |
Joseph Gledhill |
Glendore |
8.0 |
1988 |
Glendore, Ireland |
Glide |
10.5 |
1976 |
Glide, Oregon, USA |
Globe |
51.7 |
1976 |
Globe, Arizona, USA |
Goba |
10.8 |
1976 |
Goba, Ethiopia |
Goff |
7.9 |
1976 |
Goff, Somalia |
Gol |
9.6 |
1976 |
Gol, Norway |
Gold |
9.0 |
1976 |
Gold, Pennsylvania, USA |
Golden |
20.2 |
1976 |
Golden, Illinois, USA |
Goldstone |
1.0 |
1979 |
Goldstone Observatory, CA, USA |
Gori |
6.2 |
1979 |
Gori, Georgia |
Graff |
158.0 |
1973 |
Kasimir Graff |
Gratteri |
7.3 |
2006 |
Gratteri, Italy on the island of Sicily, Italy |
Green |
184.0 |
1973 |
Nathaniel E. Green |
Greg |
68.0 |
2010 |
Percy Greg |
Grindavik |
12.0 |
2006 |
Grindavik, Iceland |
Grójec |
38.5 |
1976 |
Grójec, Poland |
Groves |
11.2 |
1976 |
Groves, Texas, USA |
Guaymas |
20.0 |
1976 |
Guaymas, Mexico |
Guir |
18.9 |
1976 |
Guir, Mali |
Gulch |
8.2 |
1976 |
Gulch, Ethiopia |
Gunnison |
40.8 |
2003 |
Gunnison, Colorado, USA |
Gusev |
166.0 |
1976 |
Matvei Gusev |
Gwash |
4.7 |
1976 |
Gwash, Pakistan |
See also
External links